The Story: In the vast expanse of the cosmos, three distinct universes hurtled toward a fateful convergence. These universes embodied three distinct epochs: the Ancient Realm, the Industrial Dominion, and the Cybernetic Age.
Aside from the MMORPG elements of the game, we have also tried to mix in a bunch of features you would mostly find in a Survival Open-World type of game.
There are currently 2 very different, player joinable Factions in place. the Astrada and the Valkairon. Each offers unique missions and a playstyle focusing on each faction's ideologies and beliefs.
From a gameplay perspective, gates allow us to create many worlds that are not necessarily bound to the HUB World's rules. From different gravity rules to even huge magic beasts, fantasy-like weapons and such. This ensures that the gameplay doesn't remain stale and always evolves. Some Gates can be PvE only, some PvP based and others PvPvE. The potential in what each might contain is truly limited only by the imagination.