
Q: When type of game is Anachronia?

A: Anachronia is a true MMORPG with survival elements mixed in

Q: How is it a "true" MMORPG?

A: We really wanted to emphasize on the word "Massive", as we want tons of players to be on one place at the same time! Socializing and being able to live inside the world is what truly makes an MMO feel like a real MMO experience after all! And the more people the better!

Q: How many players will Anachronia support per server?

A: The game will support up to 3000 players per server (might increase it further as our community grows)! We trully mean it when we say MMO!

Q: What state is the game in currently?

A: Anachronia is at its pre-alpha state with mechanics being added daily. A playable demo will be given to our kickstarter backers to have an idea of a small portion of its massive and ever expanding map as we add more and more gameplay features, leaning towards an early access version of the game on Steam, available to the rest of the public.

Q: How are you planning to involve the community in the game's development?

A: Both during the kickstarter as well as the early access version of the game and onwards, we are planning to keep improving the game overall adding new features, new gameplay core mechanics and enrich the map further, unlocking new playable areas, expanding the games world. We will be checking the suggestions channels quite a bit and we are planning to be making polls often so you can pick where the game's development focuses on! You, the community is the essence of the game, it's heart. We want it to be shaped based on your opinions.